Entry #1

date: nov-22-23 | time: 7:02pm

hello everyone. this will be my first blog entry. this one will mostly be for testing to make sure the inline frame is working correctly. I put in a lot of work today on this webbed site. As im writing this i think ive been working on this for about 4 or 5 hours? it feels really good to get back into a project however :).
im currently working on getting the bones of this site laid out so I can start fleshing out the real text instead of the sample/placeholder parts i've got in here currently. i'm off work for a few days because of the thanksgiving holiday and i wanted to give myself a project to work on instead of just mindlessly sleeping in and playing video games all day long. this is a project i started a little bit ago but like most projects, i got distracted and stopped working on it for a while.
once i get the bones in place ill start slowly adding in content because unfortunately i dont have anything prewritten (┬┬﹏┬┬);;; so i guess the order from here will go like

  1. home page text
  2. minis page text
  3. at least one game review text

once i get a good bit of text in place ill try to get the images hosted somewhere (or well besides the ones ill eventually add as buttons/backgrounds) and then its gonna be a lot of messing with color palettes and backgrounds and css.... (ˉ﹃ˉ)
ok ill go ahead and end this first blog post. fingers crossed I can even get this to load in the right place. -- stewchan